When I first announced that I’d be going to South Africa and explained what I’d be doing for 6 weeks, the most common response I received was something to the effect of “aww you get to hold cute babies for 6 weeks, you are perfect for that. It will be so much fun!” and I pretty much nodded my head and agreed.
Perspective, Humility and Heart Languages
South Africa Reflections Week 1
Tread Lightly… A Plea for Grace and Discernment
Everyone Has a Story
God Will Open Doors….
The long awaited Africa post…here it is.
I’ve thought about this for many, many nights and for some reason, I have struggled so much to put my heart into words surrounding this subject. Maybe it is because I’m still not sure myself on all the why or how details.
You see, this journey I’ve taken the last six months or so has so little to do with me. I’m no longer in control and while this can be glorious and fulfilling, it is also absolutely terrifying.
In August, God awakened my heart to an idea that was beyond what I considered realistic. Through running into an old friend, a journey started that day that led me to the coming adventure to Africa. A friend of mine volunteered years ago at an abandoned baby home in Johannesburg called Door of Hope. Since the day she returned, that ministry has held a special place in my heart. I’ve prayed about it, researched it and more, but I never thought I’d actually go. That night in August though, Sarah said to me “Go to the website. Check it out. Think about applying.”
After the event, I got home and late that night I sat in my bed looking at pictures of sweet African children and weeping. My heart was stirred in a way I had never before experienced and I knew I had to go. I didn’t know how, why, when or anything else, but I was, maybe for the first time in my life, completely sure that this was part of God’s plan.
It’s funny how the world gets in the way though. I had my night, I was sure, and then just like that, I was back in the real world. I was working and preparing to move back to college and Africa was quietly swept under the rug. I moved back in at college and several weeks later, I found an email in a stack of papers. The email was dated 3 years to the date from the day I moved back and it was simply entitled “God Will Open Doors..”. It was from one of my greatest spiritual mentors who has since gone to be with the Lord. You know what it was about? Africa. She was praying, 3 years in advance, that God would make clear the path He had for me to serve at this exact place. I don’t even remember mentioning the ministry to her, but obviously I had and because of how in tune with God she was, she recognized the importance. And boy was she right, God has opened doors. It still gives me chills to think about the perfect words she had written and prayed with such foresight. That’s God y’all.
The funny thing was when I went to submit my application, I hit a roadblock. I had read somewhere that they offered a six week option and suddenly there was nothing shorter than 3 months. I stopped, I prayed and I sent the application anyways explaining that I only had the summer, about six weeks, but I really felt God calling me. I sent the application and I waited. I waited and prayed.
While I was filling out the application, I realized that I hadn’t even mentioned this to my parents. On a long car ride home, I poured my heart out to my mom with all that God had been doing for the last several weeks and she smiled. She’s been a missionary overseas and has prayed since I was a little girl that I would follow God in the most radical ways and that she and my dad would have the grace to let me. My dad gave me the same blessing and I am so grateful that they have always supported me when it comes to following God’s leading. After an agreement to take a self-defense class and get them some more details, I knew I had their blessing.
About a week later, back at school, I woke up to an email saying that after much consideration I had been accepted as a special case for 6 weeks.
Since that day, I’ve set the dates, prayed and cried some more, bought a plane ticket, wrestled with fear and raised some money. God has also provided a gracious, sweet lady from my church who lovingly offered to fly with me to Africa and help me settle in.
It’s been a whirlwind since that night in August and I know that my life will never return to the certainty and control that I had before. There are a million reasons that I shouldn’t go:
– I’ve never flown before
– I’m traveling alone (now with the friend) and not with a group
– Johannesburg is dangerous, like really dangerous, especially for young women
– I have a job offer and other plans for summer that are safe and comfortable
There are so many more, but then there’s one reason to go that exceeds all others and it’s just God. It’s the Great Commission, it’s caring for the orphans and the widows, it’s following where God leads me. God never once called me to be safe and secure, but He has called me to follow Him with reckless abandon and that’s what I fully intend to do. There is beauty in the faith that God builds when we follow Him without knowing all of the details. I don’t know where the money will come from to pay for the rest of my trip, I can’t be sure that I will spend my trip in safety. There are lots of unknowns, but there is one thing that is always certain and when the ground beneath my feet shakes, I learn to cling to Him and His strength even more.The greatest part is, my life didn’t change the moment I stepped off the plane into another country, it changed the moment I gave up control. There’s not a landmark of significance, but rather a beaten and traveled road, well worn from the journey.Walking with Christ is an everyday experience.
If there is one thing I have learned through it all it’s this- my life is not my own, it’s completely and utterly God’s, but I can choose to hold onto it white knuckled, with clenched fists, fear, and the false assurance of control or I can humbly hold up my empty hands to Christ and say “It’s yours, all of it, completely. Do with it what you want and I will follow.” The latter is an incredible journey and to be caught in the oceans of God’s grace keenly aware that you have let go is full, oh so full of joy and peace.
9 Ways to Encourage Your Pastor and His Family
I’m Sorry…
To the guy who picks up his Bible instead of the Playboy magazine, to the guy who closes his laptop even though no one is watching, to all of you who hold doors, give up seats and through action and word choose to respect the women in your life every day. To the man who never lets a woman’s careless behavior absolve his responsibility to respect and value her. I’m sorry.
You see I grew up in a “boys will be boys” culture. From an early age I learned that men were pigs. I learned to hold my own doors and never ever to need you. God forbid that I should need a man’s help or be vulnerable. I learned that every compliment had hidden intentions, that I should cover up, cross my legs, and leave you in the dust like the independent woman I was expected to be. That’s what society taught me…. and they were wrong.
I’m sorry that we bought into the lie that you were an animal incapable of controlling yourself
We got it wrong -society, myself, the church- we all did.
There are plenty of men in the world who fit every stereotype I just mentioned, but then there’s you- the ones I’m actually apologizing to.
Whether you’re 14 or 40, single or married, you fight a daily battle to keep your mind and heart pure for the woman who will one day deserve it. You choose our worth and value over your temporary satisfaction or pleasure. Thank you.
We need you. As our brothers, our fathers, our friends, our spouses, we need you.
We need you to validate our worth as more than the number we see on a scale; we need you to tell us that we are treasured and valued because of Whose we are not because of what we do.
At some point and time society decided that wasn’t okay. It wasn’t acceptable for a woman to need a man, in fact it was weakness. The Bible speaks very differently about gender roles though.
God created us to need each other. Gender roles are more about our souls/spiritual lives and strengths/weaknesses complementing each other when we use them correctly than they are about who makes dinner. A man’s strength guards a woman’s heart and provides a chance for her to be vulnerable. We need that leading as women whether we like to admit it or not. A man’s strength (spiritually speaking, as a leader) should enhance a woman’s beauty by allowing her to be vulnerable. Mutually, a woman’s need for a leader requires a man’s strength and validates him.
This gets all screwed up in our society because guys grow up learning to disrespect women and girls grow up learning to demonize men and be completely independent. We are told to be strong, independent women and never rely on anyone because that simply leads to heartbreak. Most of the women I know have no idea how to be vulnerable because society doesn’t allow it, but the church should be working to redefine what it means to be a godly man or woman today!
So I’m sorry for not saying it sooner, but I see you; we see you. We notice when you choose respect us because it’s a choice you make daily. We notice and we’re grateful. Keep it up. And no matter how many times we act like we don’t, we need you. We need godly men who are respectful not just as our future spouses but as our friends, as our brothers in Christ.
So to you who make that choice every day, I’m sorry for not giving you the thanks you deserve. Thank you. From every girl out there trying her best to represent Biblical womanhood- thank you for making the journey a bit easier!
Blessings in the Brokenness
In the last several weeks I have heard over and over again stories of people who were in tough, trying situations and prayed out to God saying they would spend their life serving Him if He would simply rescue them. I’ve also heard over and over again people say “God won’t give you more than you can handle.”
Wait. Can we just admit that both of those things give a totally skewed view of the God we serve?!
God will absolutely give you more than you can handle because in those times you must rely on His strength. This is when He teaches us the most. If we could handle everything on our own, why would we ever reach out to God? He will never give you more than you can handle with Him but often we forget the last part.
And as far as the first set of stories go, I’m not saying they aren’t true or that those people are wrong, but I do believe this sends a confusing message to hurting people. If I pray that same prayer and I am left in my situation does God love me less? Do those people have a formula for prayer that I don’t know? Because God doesn’t always work that way as much as we might hope. We don’t get to bargain with God to get what we want. He’s not looking for in the moment, rash promises, but rather lives fully devoted to Him long-term. And I’d argue that those lives are developed amidst these very trials. They are developed when God says “No, this is not going to disappear. I’m not calming the storm right now, but I will calm you and teach you if you will come to Me.”
God is sovereign. He knows that sometimes we need the flame in our life in order to be refined.
I think one of the most beautiful stories I have heard concerning this is a metaphor relating to God as shepherd and us as sheep. Shepherds sometimes have sheep that simply will not follow them. They get lost, stray from the path and put themselves in great danger by leaving the flock. When this happens, a shepherd will break that sheep’s legs.
I get it, this sounds really cruel, but wait.
With its legs broken, the sheep must be carried everywhere. Therefore, this is really more of a burden on the shepherd. But after weeks of the shepherd carrying the sheep around keeping it safe and close during its healing, the sheep will walk again. After this experience, the sheep will never wander or stray because it has been carried and has come to know and love the shepherd.
I think this makes a great picture of our walk with God. Sometimes God allows us to stay in a broken state so that He can carry us. So we will learn to love Him and know Him more. So that when we can walk again, we will know His love so much that we would never stray again.
I know this has been true in my life, in the brokenness I have come to know God in ways I never could have in the calm seas.
What broken situation is God allowing you to remain in so that you can call to Him and come to know Him more?
if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.”
His Mercies are New Every Morning: Hope for the Busy Heart
How am I doing it all? By God’s grace alone. There is so, so much truth in Lamentations 3:22-23 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed; for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
We serve a God who is so, so faithful and He truly does provide new mercies for us each and every morning. It is one thing to know this promise and another to experience it- to need it to be true in your life. He promises in Jeremiah 29:13 that we will find Him if we seek Him. Could we be any more blessed? What a privilege it is to serve a loving and personal God!
A good friend once told me that God asks us to pray for daily bread, not bread for the next month. If there is one thing I am learning in the season of chaos and busyness, it is that seeking the Lord is a daily process and when we seek Him, He promises to provide. It’s not always about having strength for the week, but rather strength for the moment. When I cannot rely on my own strength any longer, I am forced to search for God’s strength moment by moment.
And then even after God shows me that I can’t do it on my own, I still try over and over again. I fail. I get back up and refocus on God. You know the beautiful thing about our Savior though? He is faithful, even when I am faithless. (2 Timothy 2:13)
So my friends, that is how I am surviving this crazy season of life and I could not be more grateful for the opportunities it has given me to grow closer to the Lord. With His mercy and joy, I can and will continue to live out His calling on my life and I pray you will as well.
Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”